BigBrotherBot commands documentation

updated on Sun Dec 9 17:39:58 2012

plugin min level max level command alias description
Admin All superadmin !help !h [<command|level>] - get info on how to use a command, you can use *<command> for partial matches
Admin All superadmin !register - register youself as a basic user
Admin All superadmin !rules !r - say the rules
Admin user superadmin !regtest - display your current user status
Admin user superadmin !time [<timezone/offset>] - display the servers current time
Admin reg superadmin !maps - list the server's map rotation
Admin reg superadmin !nextmap - list the next map in rotation
Admin reg superadmin !seen <name> - when was a player last seen?
Admin reg superadmin !b3 - say b3's version info
Admin mod superadmin !admins - lists all the online admins
Admin mod superadmin !aliases !alias <name> - list a players aliases
Admin mod superadmin !find <name> - test to find a connected player
Admin mod superadmin !leveltest !lt [<name>] - display a user's status
Admin mod superadmin !list - list all connected players
Admin mod superadmin !poke <player> - Notify a player that he needs to move
Admin mod superadmin !say - say a message to all players
Admin mod superadmin !spam !s <name> <message> - spam a predefined message
Admin mod superadmin !spams - list spam messages
Admin mod superadmin !status - Report status of bot
Admin mod superadmin !warn !w <name> [<warning>] - warn user
Admin mod superadmin !warninfo !wi <name> - display how many warning points a user has
Admin mod superadmin !warnremove !wr <name> - remove a users last warning
Admin mod superadmin !warns - list warnings
Admin mod superadmin !warntest !wt <warning> - test a warning
Admin admin superadmin !admintest - display your current user status
Admin admin superadmin !baninfo !bi <name> - display how many bans a user has
Admin admin superadmin !kick !k <name> [<reason>] - kick a player
Admin admin superadmin !notice <name> <notice> - Add a good/bad behavior note for the player
Admin admin superadmin !permban !pb <name> [<reason>] - ban a player permanently
Admin admin superadmin !scream <message> - yell a message to all player
Admin admin superadmin !tempban !tb <name> <duration> [<reason>] - temporarily ban a player
Admin admin superadmin !warnclear !wc <name> - clear all of a users warnings
Admin fulladmin superadmin !ban !b <name> [<reason>] - ban a player
Admin fulladmin superadmin !clear !kiss [<player>] - clear all tk points and warnings
Admin fulladmin superadmin !unban <name> - un-ban a player
Admin senioradmin superadmin !lookup !l <name> - lookup a player in the database
Admin senioradmin superadmin !makereg !mr <name> <group> - make a name a regular
Admin senioradmin superadmin !spank !sp <name> [<reason>] - spank a player, naughty boy!
Pingwatch mod superadmin !ci <player> - Kick a player that has an interrupted connection
Poweradminurt All superadmin !paversion !paver This command identifies PowerAdminUrt version and creator.
Poweradminurt reg superadmin !pateams !teams Force teambalancing (all gametypes!) The player with the least time in a team will be switched.
Poweradminurt mod superadmin !paforce !force <player> <red/blue/spec/free> <lock> - Force a client to red/blue/spec or release the force (free) adding 'lock' will lock the player where it is forced to, default this is off. using 'all free' wil release all locks. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)
Poweradminurt mod superadmin !paident !id <name> - show the ip and guid of a player (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)
Poweradminurt mod superadmin !pamute !mute <player> [<duration>] - Mute a player. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)
Poweradminurt admin superadmin !pabigtext !bigtext <message> - Print a Bold message on the center of all screens. (You can safely use the command without the 'pa' at the beginning)
Spamcontrol mod superadmin !spamins <name> - display a spamins level
Stats user superadmin !mapstats !mstats [<name>] - list a players stats for the map
Stats user superadmin !testscore !ts <name> - how much skill points you will get if you kill the player
Stats reg superadmin !topstats !tstats List the top 5 map[stats players
Tk All superadmin !forgive !f <name> - forgive a player for team damaging
Tk All superadmin !forgiveall !fa - forgive all attackers' tk points
Tk All superadmin !forgivelist !fl - list all the players who have shot you
Tk All superadmin !forgiveprev !fp - forgive the last person to tk you
Tk All superadmin !grudge !grudge <name> - grudge a player for team damaging, a grudge player will not be auto-forgiven
Tk mod superadmin !forgiveinfo !fi <name> - display a user's tk points
Tk fulladmin superadmin !forgiveclear !fc <name> - clear a user's tk points
Welcome mod superadmin !greeting [<greeting>] - set or list your greeting (use 'none' to remove)

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